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How To Put On & Take Off Compression Stockings

Putting on and taking off compression stockings can be a challenge. By using the right techniques, handy tips and optional donning devices contained in the videos below you'll be saving lots of time and frustration. You'll be an expert in no time! Helpful tips for donning & doffing Putting on your compression socks doesn’t have to be a daily struggle. Yes, they’re firm - they’re supposed to be. This is what makes them medically useful. But that’s also why it can be difficult to put on compression socks, especially over the heel and ankle. Unfortunately, when people get discouraged, they don’t wear them consistently – and the swelling in their lower legs and ankles tends to get worse rather than better. The following hints and tips for wearing compression socks can help you adopt smarter habits, and soon, a frustrating task will become a quick and easy part of your daily routine. Donning and Doffing Videos Calf Open Toe

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